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Blaenannerch Chapel and Evan Roberts

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On the Gallery pages are two photos of Blaenannerch Chapel near Aberporth in Wales. The chapel is famous for being the place where the Holy Spirt came upon Evan Roberts during the 7pm meeting on 29 September 1904 and he was filled with a love for the message of the cross. That love would be the theme of the revival which he soon began to lead in Wales. In the history of the Welsh Revival, that night became known as "Blaenannerch's great meeting". Jean and I were blessed to visit the chapel during a stay at Rhyd Country House Hotel which is just a short walk away from the chapel. In fact, if you are ever in the area and want to stay somewhere special, Rhyd Country House Hotel is the place. It is run by Nigel and Michelle Bruce who have two delightful children. Their restaurant uses local produce, is well known in the area and you will find the cuisine simply excellent. We have stayed there several times and intend to return as we like it so much. Contact details are Tel 01239-810566. Anyway, Jean and I knew about the chapel but had never been inside. So, we took a walk along the road only to find the church locked. We took our photos and walked back towards the church gate when a gentleman from across the road came towards us waving a key. He had seen us looking around and had come to open up the chapel so we could see inside. Well, inside it was simply beautiful, so clean and well cared-for. The pew on which Evan Roberts sat that night is clearly marked and we both took turns in sitting on it. We both felt blessed to have been inside the chapel. Has anyone else been there?

Posted by : Mike and Jean on 01-09-2020

I went 15 years ago racking down my family history with my three young children. My gt grandparents are buried there and attended during the revival; my grandfather born in 1907 attended th Sunday school and I still have his Sunday school text books - v. Informative. The spiritual history of this place is significant as I felt my daughters were intended to be present when the Olympic flame started out from Lands End - this is where my other gt grandparents originate. This was further confirmed to me when I found my eldest lived in jay Osgerbys house (he designed the torch) and had handled the prototype. (She rented his basement and taught his children music) getting my three daughters to Lands End was impossible til my Aunt died and the family erroneously planned the funeral on the same day! we were passed by the torch and then sat in the church of St John the Baptist (prepare ye the way) and I marvelled that God could have me reading Scripture in his house on such a day. The torch past the ice cream shop in Newlyn owned by the parents whose daughter got the first gold for the Uk too. And Usain bolt was born in Cornwall. Cornwall, Jamaica - but by gods design it's all linked in.

Posted by : Susan Houghton on 15-07-2014
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